Workplace Safety

Your Body Requires 75% of Its Total Energy to Regulate Body Temperature

Your body uses 75% of its total energy to regulate your body temperature. With only 25% left for moving muscle, the odds of your body and mind getting what it needs to perform in the heat are slim to none.

Heat stroke can stop the healthiest of us dead in our tracks -- yet it's 100% preventible. 

Evaporative Cooling vs. High-Impact Cooling

Evaporative Cooling feels cool on the skin -- Oro Cooling feels cool to the core.

There's a big difference between perceived thermal comfort, and actually becoming cooler. "Feel good" cooling cannot prevent heat stress.

The closer the cooling rests against your body, the greater the transfer of temperature. This is the basis of our garments' constructions. Cools good, feels good, and unique to the Oro brand, looks good.

Our high-impact cooling gear decreases your risk of heat injuries -- which includes accidents brought on by mental fatigue and confusion when the brain becomes overheated.




Want to stay cool on the job but don't want to -- or can't -- wear a cooling vest while performing your job?

Pre-cooling strategies can be used to increase heat storage capacity before experiencing heat stress (i.e., their bodies are able to store more heat before experiencing the negative influence of heat) (Jones et  al., 2012; Watkins et  al., 2018).


Not a typo. “Per-cooling” is active cooling. This is when you wear a cooling vest during activity. The objective of per-cooling is to mitigate the rise in core temperature and physiological strain during activity. (Bongers et al., 2017)              

Recovery Cooling

Cooling between activity, during breaks, and after job performance enhances the physiological recovery process following a work shift in the heat. 

Your body temperature continues to rise even after activity has ended. Recovery cooling with our snug cooling vest can prevent your body from continuing to rise, thereby assisting with thermoregulation before injuries occur.