Cool Reads
No greater -- or faster -- way to chart improved endurance than through Palmer Cooling.
No greater -- or faster -- way to chart improved endurance than through Palmer Cooling.
Our Top 10 "Best Foods" List
Our list needs no introduction. Let's get to it. QUOINOA It looks like a grain and cooks like a grain, but it's in the spinach family and has 8 grams of...
Our Top 10 "Best Foods" List
Our list needs no introduction. Let's get to it. QUOINOA It looks like a grain and cooks like a grain, but it's in the spinach family and has 8 grams of...
Hot Classrooms Affect Learning
Last year was the hottest on record, and experts agree that 2024 will be even hotter. Because schools are not prepared for the extreme heat, everybody suffers. You may be surprised just...
Hot Classrooms Affect Learning
Last year was the hottest on record, and experts agree that 2024 will be even hotter. Because schools are not prepared for the extreme heat, everybody suffers. You may be surprised just...
A Lesson From the Groundhog
Trust your instinct. If Spring is still a few weeks away, then prepare and be ready when it hits. The heat is coming, no doubt about it.
A Lesson From the Groundhog
Trust your instinct. If Spring is still a few weeks away, then prepare and be ready when it hits. The heat is coming, no doubt about it.
California Fights Extreme Heat for Indoor Workf...
Health care providers are not required to report heat-related deaths, so there are no real numbers on how many people have died from organ failure or cardiac arrest due to...
California Fights Extreme Heat for Indoor Workf...
Health care providers are not required to report heat-related deaths, so there are no real numbers on how many people have died from organ failure or cardiac arrest due to...
Hydration -- The Cart Before the Horse
In rare cases, the cart truly does appear before the horse -- and when it comes to the topic of hydration, this has been the case for 58 years. The word "hydration" became a part of our...
Hydration -- The Cart Before the Horse
In rare cases, the cart truly does appear before the horse -- and when it comes to the topic of hydration, this has been the case for 58 years. The word "hydration" became a part of our...